Jointly Organized By : Bangladesh Society of Radiology & Imaging (BSRI) & Bangladesh Society of Vascular & Interventional Radiology (BSVIR)

in collaboration with: Asian Conference on Tumor Ablation (ACTA)

Date: 5th & 6th August, 2023

Venue: Sheikh Hasina National Institute of Burn and Plastic Surgery (SHNIBPS) Dhaka

Program Schedule

Day 1: 05.08.2023

8.30am-9.00am- Registration

09.00am-09.20am- Welcome speech from BSRI, BSVIR & ACTA

Session 109.20am-10.45am 
TimeTopics SpeakerPannel of expert
9.20-9.35Current situation of Tumor ablation in BangladeshDr. Tariqul IslamProf. Dr. Mizanur Rahman   Prof. Dr. Rayana Awal Sumi
9.35-9.55Principles & physics of various modalities of Tumor ablationProf. Kai-Wen Huang
9.55-10.10Guideline for management of focal liver lesionDr. Ishtiaque Mohammad Behnom
10.10-10.25Role of combined TACE & Microwave ablation for management of HCCProf (Brig Gen) Sayed Zoherul Alam
10.25-10.45Q & AAll panelist

10.45-11.00 am- Tea break

Session 211.00am-1.00pm 
TimeTopics (Liver)SpeakerPannel of expert
11.00-11.20Clinical Up-to-date Local Tumor AblationProf Hyunchul RhimProf. Mohammad Ali   Prof. Dr. Shahinul Alam   Prof. Dr. Khalilur Rahman
11.20-11.40Ultrasound guiding modalities for liver tumor ablationProf Manxia Lin
11.40-12.00Liver tumor ablation in critically localized lesionProf Shen-Nan Lu
12.00-12.20Microwave & RF for ablation in metastatic liver lesionProf. Kai-Wen Huang
12.20-12.40Clinical Up-to-date Image-guided TechniquesProf Shen-Nan Lu
12.40-01.00Q & AAll panelist

1.00pm-2.00pm- Lunch Break

2.00pm -4.00pm- Hands-on training

RFA hands-on trainingMWA hands-on training
Prof Rhim and Prof LuProf. Huang and Prof Lin

4.00pm-04.30pm BSVIR meets ACTA

Day 2: 06.08. 2023

TimeWorkshop 1Workshop 2Workshop 3
09.00-10.30Hands on Workshop MWAHands on Workshop RFA Biopsy

10.30am-10.45am Tea break

10.45-12.30 Live Cases of MWA

TimeWorkshop1Workshop2Workshop 3
12.30- 02.00Hands on Workshop RFAHands on Workshop MWA Biopsy